Inside the mind of a suicide bomber via Halo 3
Wired columnist Clive Thompson writes about how Suicide Bombing Makes Sick Sense in 'Halo 3', and gives us a better understanding of asymmetric warfare from the side with less power.
This is a blog about Angus McDonald's personal journey as a Christian.
Wired columnist Clive Thompson writes about how Suicide Bombing Makes Sick Sense in 'Halo 3', and gives us a better understanding of asymmetric warfare from the side with less power.
11/07/2007 01:42:00 pm
CCC's Real Men conference for 2008 is titled "Life", it will be on 25th-26th July 2008. Here is the promo for it:
11/07/2007 01:15:00 pm
It seems that Christians are increasingly becoming aware that we are losing the culture wars, beaten back by the sexual revolution, anti-creation science teaching in schools and the post-modern tendency to see everything as relative and DIY mysticism as a healthy spiritual path.
Time magazine has an article about Christianity's Image Problem, Michael Craven questions whether Christians are the problem and the tepid success of Christian movie brand Fox Faith makes some wonder if Christians are even paying attention. I found this comment about Fox Faith's difficulties most interesting:
Media guru Phil Cooke, president of Cooke Pictures, said Fox Faith faces unique challenges from “a branding point of view” due to the diversity of the Christian community.For me that hits the nail on the head. Christians are losing the culture wars because we are not a simple monolithic block. Different parts of the Christian faith succeed in different areas.
“While the general culture looks at 'Christians' being a homogenous group of people, we [Christians] track along a wide range of extremes in our thinking, our attitudes toward culture, and our doctrinal perspectives,” Cooke said. “The Passion of The Christ, which pretty much set this 'faith-based' fascination off in the minds of Hollywood, was a traditional story of the Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. It told a story that the main thrust of the Christian community can agree on, and as a result, hit the box office jackpot. But once you drift from that central story that is the core of our faith, all bets are off.”
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.”The culture wars (if you like to see them that way) are really going to be won one fight at a time by the Christians on the ground. One day the church may be “chief among the mountains” (see Michah 4:1) , but that day is not yet come.
1 Corinthians 12:12
10/19/2007 10:06:00 am
Via Roy Osherove World’s Funniest Dad comes some great laughter medicine:
9/04/2007 04:38:00 pm
The abolition of legalised slavery in the British Empire in 1807 was one of the great turning points for Western civilization, and was directly because of the powerful conversion of John Newton, a former slaveship master turned Anglican rector, who counselled the British MP William Wilberforce after his own conversion experience to serve God by staying in politics and fighting slavery and general sinfulness.
John Newton is most famously remembered for his heartfelt hymn, Amazing Grace, which captured the essence of his conversion experience.
A new movie called Amazing Grace has been made about William Wilberforce and John Newton and will be released in Australia on 26th July.
7/23/2007 01:25:00 pm
Tags: christian, Great Britain, history, movie, slavery, world
Amongst the various interest census facts reported by the SMH was this one:
“Though Pentecostal churches grew 26 per cent in Australia and 48 per cent in NSW, they remain numerically small, with 219,000 adherents, about half the numbers of Buddhists.”That is a mixed result, it is brilliant that Pentecostal churches are growing, disheartening that they remain such a small part of the Christian faith in Australia and weird that there are more Buddhists - although given the loose definition of 'Buddhist' (likes Richard Gere, meditates, read a couple of books once, is a vegan), it is perhaps not so surprising.
6/28/2007 02:23:00 pm
Remember your mum this Sunday and bless her with a visit, a phone call, or go overboard and send some flowers:
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.'”
“All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said.Luke 18:19-21 (NIV)
5/10/2007 03:22:00 pm
Tags: family
One of the key tenets of the pentecostal branch of the Christian faith, is a sure belief that God's miracles are just as relevant and available for us now as they were during the lives of the first apostles. Here is a short testimony from a member of our church who was healed recently through the ministry of Pastor Theo Wolmarans:
3/21/2007 09:27:00 pm
Tags: miracles, Theo Wolmarans
We had Pastor Theo Wolmarans at our church this weekend, bringing what seems to be a fairly effective healing ministry and some great teaching on matters of faith and positive confession. 'Positive confession' is a bit of Christianese for describing the attitude that no matter what situations life throws at you, you will take a positive attitude towards them and speak positively about the results you expect from them. An example would be speaking confidently of God healing your leg, even though it might currently be crippled. Ps Theo pointed out that the Bible teaches us that faith and speaking go hand in hand, neither has power without the other.
Some people take exception to this, and in the absence of good doctrine you can have all sorts of weird things you might have 'faith' for - but really you can only have faith for what God has promised you, and the Bible is the ultimate record of God's promises. If you can find a good scriptural basis for your faith, and you feel convinced that God will bring something about, then speaking that out aloud (confessing it) is the next step to seeing it come to pass.
Our church's senior pastor, Phil Pringle, teaches on these points regularly, but Ps Theo went through quite a few scriptures and brought out some interesting points about them I had not noticed before.
Luke 17:5-6
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.”
…as small as a mustard seed…
Not many seeds, but one single, small seed - one scrap of scripture, of God’s truth. A single rhema is all that is required.
…you can say…
Faith is put into action by speaking, both need each other, faith without speaking is powerless as is speaking without faith.
…I tell you the truth…
Jesus is really emphasising this – it must be important! Ps Thoe pointed out that when you come across a lion in the bush, he doesn't need to roar for you to take him seriously, and similarly Jesus didn't need to emphasise his teaching for his disciples, so this is an unusual statement.
…if anyone says …
Believers and unbelievers alike prosper when they match an internal faith with their external confession (or fail, if that is their confession + faith, see Job).
…how you listen…
It is important that we listen with the right attitude, carefully and with discernment. It is important that we pay attention to what we are listening to.
…what you hear…
It is important that what we allow ourselves to listen to is the right stuff, bad reports and negative thinking will at best hamper our internal faith, and at worst strangle it.
…believe and are justified…
Internal faith is part of how we are made right with God.
…confess and are saved…
But it must be accompanied by confession of that faith if we are to be truly saved.
…keep them in your mind…
We need to keep reminding ourselves of our mustard seed, our rhema.
…your lips will be accustomed to confessing them…
Reminding ourselves of God’s truth also involves speaking that truth to ourselves and to others.
3/11/2007 05:30:00 pm
Tags: church, confession, faith, sermon, Theo Wolmarans
CreationWiki is an interesting attempt to harness Web 2.0 for the benefit of creation science:
“The CreationWiki is a free encyclopedia of creation science being assembled by the international creationist community. We encourage all creationists to get involved with the development of this valuable resource.”
3/01/2007 08:33:00 am
Tags: christian, creation science, resource
Urban Freeflow are a parkour/freerunning promotion group in the UK. In the BBC2 clip below they demonstrate how they have partnered with a local council to help London kids find something to do in the urban wasteland that is fun, demanding and affirming.
2/20/2007 05:17:00 pm
Tags: children, Great Britain, parkour
Sydney Anglicans have an interesting article up called Roleplaying for Christ:
“How then do we play a MMORPG in the name of Jesus? I offer a simple list of strategies which I have found helpful based on personal experience.”
2/19/2007 09:50:00 pm
Tags: roleplaying games
See 1st post for attribution.