16 August 2006

Why a blog about my Christian walk?

Well, firstly I like blogging, it can be cathartic, is always challenging and acts as a historical record of your public thinking. That last point is very interesting, I once had a wise pastor tell me that he felt he could never state his position on contentious issues without emphasising that this was his opinion at this time, given his own experiences and knowledge.

Covering such issues in a blog gives a record of how one's thinking changes, and is why I chose to emphasise that this blog is about my walk with God, that is, a chronicle of a journey. It also holds me accountable, which is an idea I find appealing, as I am as prone to changing my mind as anyone else.

Why call the blog Cracked Jug? It wasn't my first choice, those names are already taken, and I have too many blogs to want to name one after myself. Several years ago, just after becoming a Christian, I thought about getting a tattoo, and the image that most appealed was a cracked jug (something like an ancient amphora). To me that represented the way God had taken my life and put it back together when I became a Christian in my mid-20's. I never did get that tatt, but the appeal of the image remains with me.

Anyway, I hope you find this interesting, and perhaps challenging. I know I will.

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